Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Describing International Education in 134 characters

Is it possible to describe what international education is in 134 characters on Twitter?  Why 134 characters?  Well, Twitter allows 140 character posts but am accounting for the 5 character #IEis hashtag and a space.  If you use the #IEis hashtag everyone will be able to see what others have to say and I can go back, collect and summarize here on IHEC Blog at a later date (assuming this little experiment produces some tweets).

So, how do you describe international education in 134 characters?


  1. #IEis promoting greater understanding between and among world cultures through outreach, partnerships, and opportunities to educate.

  2. Actually it needs to be even less than 134 characters. A well-constructed tweet should (whenever possible) include room for hashtags *as well as* the information that will be included if the tweet is retweeted. So you should leave room for:

    * The letters "RT" and a space = "RT "
    * Your Twitter handle and a colon and a space = "@rmsylte: "
    --This is where having a shorter handle comes in handy!
    * Any hashtags and a space = " #IEis"
    * Any link you might want to include and a space = " http://ow.ly/4E70c"

    When combined correctly in a tweet:
    RT @rmsylte: YOUR TWEET HERE #IEis http://ow.ly/4E70c

    More info on this can be found at: http://ow.ly/4E70c

  3. A learning experience that fosters the development of responsible world citizens through the experiences of cross-cultural contact

  4. Int'l education is the opportunity to study cultural differences, find commonalities, and merge best practices.

  5. A learning paradigm where the student realizes through real-world experience the true nature of the multi-cultural world we live in.
