Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Writing and Publishing in the Field of International Education

I've always wondered where the best place is for international education practitioners/researchers to submit their work for publication. One publication avenue is in journals/publications such as Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, Journal of Studies in International Education, or International Educator where we educate/inform our field (critical need for this). Another publication route is to submit work for publication in journals/publications focusing more generally on higher education, public diplomacy, policy, or on many other topics where we educate/inform those outside of our field in order to gain more support and understanding of our field (also critical need for this)? A third possibility is to take both paths and to write and submit different manuscripts for the different audiences you are trying to reach. What are your thoughts on this?


  1. David, nice post and I couldn't agree more. I think the underlying problem/issue here is how over worked practitioners are in the field on International Education. While being informed via scholarly and "not-so-scholarly" publications is very important, "getting the job done" takes precedence for most of us.

  2. @ Louis ~ Thanks for taking the time to comment. I've talked to so many practitioners in the field who are overworked and have little time (read none!) to pick-up and read a journal article, report or other helpful piece of literature let alone research and write something for publication.

  3. For those interested in an additional publishing avenue, the Jouranl of International and Global studies is seeking international and/or comparative education submissions. If you would like to specific manuscript submission guidlines, please visit: www.lindenwood.edu/jigs.

  4. @Anonymous ~ Many thanks for leaving a comment with the link then new Journal of International and Global Studies. I'll post to Twitter and IHEC Blog's Facebook page and then will include it in my weekly Friday post of links of interest. Additionally, I'll post about JIGS on the NAFSA Research & Scholarship network discussion forum.
