Monday, June 18, 2018

Director of International Student and Scholar Services open position at Columbia College Chicago

Columbia College Chicago has opened a search for a Director of International Student and Scholar Services and the position description has posted to the Careers at Columbia College Chicago page at

After reading the position description, I encourage prospective applicants to peruse the Columbia College Chicago website at to learn more about the College and what we’re all about.

Monday, June 11, 2018

GoFundMe Initiative to bring Youth Soccer/Futbol Teams from Colombia and Guatemala to Chicago this Summer for the KICS Cup

All funds raised by this GoFundMe initiative will be split between the team from Colombia and the team from Guatemala!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Live Streaming Now: Student Visa Integrity: Protecting Educational Opportunity and National Security

Live Streaming just started 2:45pm EST
Student Visa Integrity: Protecting Educational Opportunity and National Security
Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration
DATE: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
TIME: 02:30 PM
LOCATION: Dirksen Senate Office Building 226
PRESIDING: Senator Cornyn

Sunday, June 3, 2018

JFK at 20 and his 1937 Adventure Through Europe

Link to the "Jack and Lem’s Excellent European Adventure, Summer 1937The National Archives JFK Libraries Archives Blog An Inside Look article by Maryrose Grossman, Audiovisual Reference Archivist is available via the embedded tweet below: