Thursday, June 29, 2017

2017 University of Chicago Booth School of Business Staff Shirts

I'm liking the new 2017 Chicago Booth staff shirts that were handed out yesterday at the annual summer picnic. I missed the picnic yesterday as I was giving a workshop to the Global Initiatives team at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business but a colleague grabbed a shirt for me which was so nice!


Great Visit Yesterday to the University of Michigan Ross School of Business to Give a Workshop to the Global Initiatives Team

I had a great visit yesterday to the University of Michigan Ross School of Business where I gave a workshop to the Global Initiatives team on becoming more involved in the field of international education.

Here I am talking about my engagement with and my tweets of me wearing my various GoAbroad hats! To clarify, this was at the end of the formal part of the workshop but we will still talking about engagement in the field.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

"Thomas Jefferson and his views on international education" - My Presentation Slides from the 2017 Peer Schools International Educators Meeting

On June 13-14, 2017 I attended the annual Peer Schools in International Education meeting which was hosted by the University of Virginia Darden School of Business.  My presentation for the group was entitled "What Role Should Business Schools Play in Diversifying the U.S. Student Profile Abroad?".  As the University of Virginia was founded by Thomas Jefferson and his presence is everywhere I decided to do a quick presentation to the group entitled "Thomas Jefferson and his views on international education" and I thought I would add those slides as well as some photos I took during my visit as an IHEC Blog post.  I have posted to IHEC Blog in the past about Thomas Jefferson and students studying abroad during the colonial period and you can link to those posts below

Thomas Jefferson’s Views on Being Educated in Europe (August 27, 2009)
American Students Studying Abroad during the Colonial Period (August 20, 2009)

 My presentation from two weeks ago is below as well as some photos: hat visits Monticello 


Monday, June 26, 2017

SCOTUS Reinstates Parts of Travel Ban - The Impact on U.S. Higher Education?

The United States Supreme Court today allowed for parts of Executive Order No. 13780, Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States to take effect but it appears that students from the travel ban countries who have been admitted to U.S. institutions of higher education will be allowed to enter. Most relevant part of the ruling are screen shots below and you can read the full SCOTUS ruling here.

Storify of #IntlEdNow Tweet Chat - A Discussion on International Education in a Shifting Geopolitical Climate

Last week Tuesday, June 20, 2017, I co-hosted with World Education Services and other esteemed colleagues an #IntlEdNow tweetchat entitled A Discussion on International Education in a Shifting Geopolitical Climate.  Tweetchat co-hosts included:

Jason E. Lane:  Chair of the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, Director of the Cross-Border Education Research Team, and founding executive director of the SUNY Academic & Innovative Leadership (SAIL) Institute

Francisco Marmejo:  The World Bank's Lead Tertiary Education Specialist and Coordinator of its Network of Higher Education Specialists

Jessica Sandberg:  Director of International Admissions at Temple University

Hans de Wit:  Professor and Director of the ‘Center for International Higher Education’ (CIHE) at Boston College. Founding member and past president of the European Association for International Education (EAIE)

WES crated a cleaned-up version via Storify and I have embedded their tweet below that you can click through to view the conversation:

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Back when IHEC Blog used to Feed to the New York Times

Back in the day when the New York Times used to feed IHEC Blog posts front and center in the "Headlines Around the Web" section on their International Education page of their website! The NYT fed IHEC Blog posts for just over four years!
Title of the listed blog post 'Analysis of the Research and Literature on Diversity in Education Abroad: A Synopsis'.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Council on Foreign Relations Discussion - "Link Between Foreign Languages and U.S. National Security"

On Wednesday, June 14, 2017, the Council on Foreign Relations streamed live a very important and informative discussion entitled Link Between Foreign Languages and U.S. National Security.  The Council on Foreign Relations has made the video recording of that discussion available on their YouTube channel and it is embedded below.

The discussion panel was made up of the following individuals:

Martha "Marty" Abbott
Executive Director, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages; Executive Director, Lead With Languages

Esther Brimmer
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, NAFSA: Association of International Educators; Former Adjunct Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations

Michael Nugent
Director, Defense Language and National Security Education Office, U.S. Department of Defense


Sanford J. Ungar
Director, The Free Speech Project, Georgetown University

Saturday, June 17, 2017

#IntlEdNow Tweetchat by World Education Services - A Discussion on International Education in a Shifting Geopolitical Climate on June 20th at 2:00pm EDT

This coming Tuesday, June 20th at 2:00pm EDT (New York City time) I will be co-hosting with World Education Services and other esteemed colleagues an #IntlEdNow tweetchat entitled A Discussion on International Education in a Shifting Geopolitical Climate.  Invited tweetchat co-hosts follow:

David Comp:  Associate Director of International Programs in the University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Study Abroad Research Consultant for the Center for Global Education at California State University at Dominguez Hills; and, Principal & Founder of International Higher Education Consulting.

Jason E. Lane:  Chair of the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, Director of the Cross-Border Education Research Team, and founding executive director of the SUNY Academic & Innovative Leadership (SAIL) Institute

Francisco Marmejo:  The World Bank's Lead Tertiary Education Specialist and Coordinator of its Network of Higher Education Specialists

Lisa Meritz:  Director of Communications for the Office of International Affairs, Temple University

Martyn J. Miller:  Interim Assistant Vice President for International Programs in the Office of International Affairs

Jessica Sandberg:  Director of International Admissions at Temple University

Hans de Wit:  Professor and Director of the ‘Center for International Higher Education’ (CIHE) at Boston College. Founding member and past president of the European Association for International Education (EAIE)

I believe that IHEC Blog followers will find this #IntlEdNow tweetchat to be very stimulating and I hope you are able to hold the time on your calendar and follow along with the discussion!

If you are not on Twitter you can follow the discussion below:

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Department of State Roles with no Nominee

This tweet (and my zoom in on two significant positions on the chart related to international education) from the Democrats House Committee on Foreign Relations [U.S.] is very concerning.

Friday, June 9, 2017

There were many important outcomes of study abroad for me but there is one in particular that I am most grateful for!

I met my wife while studying abroad in Valladolid, Spain. We were on the same study abroad program. Here we are on top of the Alcázar in Segovia, Spain shortly after we started dating (we were 20 years old)!

Today is our 22nd wedding anniversary!