This coming Tuesday, June 20th at 2:00pm EDT (New York City time) I will be co-hosting with
World Education Services and other esteemed colleagues an
#IntlEdNow tweetchat entitled
A Discussion on International Education in a Shifting Geopolitical Climate. Invited tweetchat co-hosts follow:
David Comp: Associate Director of International Programs in the University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Study Abroad Research Consultant for the
Center for Global Education at California State University at Dominguez Hills; and, Principal & Founder of
International Higher Education Consulting.
Jason E. Lane: Chair of the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, Director of the Cross-Border Education Research Team, and founding executive director of the SUNY Academic & Innovative Leadership (SAIL) Institute
Francisco Marmejo: The World Bank's Lead Tertiary Education Specialist and Coordinator of its Network
of Higher Education Specialists
Lisa Meritz: Director of Communications for the Office of International Affairs, Temple University
Martyn J. Miller: Interim Assistant Vice President for International Programs in the Office of
International Affairs
Jessica Sandberg: Director of International Admissions at Temple University
Hans de Wit: Professor and Director of the ‘Center for International Higher Education’ (CIHE) at Boston
College. Founding member and past president of the European Association for International Education
I believe that
IHEC Blog followers will find this
#IntlEdNow tweetchat to be very stimulating and I hope you are able to hold the time on your calendar and follow along with the discussion!
If you are not on Twitter you can follow the discussion below: