Thursday, March 26, 2015

2015-2016 FEA Scholarship Winners Announced

The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) just announced their 2015-2016 scholarship winners.  Due to the generous support and donations received throughout the year from those committed to the value of study abroad, FEA was able to fund thirty six scholarships of up to $10,000 to undergraduates from across the United States to study abroad.

Notable highlights from the FEA press release include:

  • The 2015-2016 scholarship winners were selected from a pool of almost 1650 applicants representing approximately 525 US colleges and universities. 
  • A team of 110 reviewers individually read and reviewed each application.
  • Of this year’s recipients, 72% are first-generation college students, 75% are of minority background, 53% attend minority-serving institutions or community colleges, 58% will study in non-traditional destinations, and 92% are studying the host country language.

If you would like to learn more about FEA and how you can support their efforts and help future students incorportate a study abroad experience into their higher education programs of study you can do so via the FEA website.

Disclaimer:  I am a member of the FEA Board of Directors and am proud of the work that they do so I am more than happy to promote the 2015-2016 scholarship winners.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Follow the Twitter Backchannel from the 2015 Forum on Education Abroad Conference #ForumEA15

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Indiana University's 5th Annual Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization

MAY 17-20, 2015

Attention, College & University Faculty, Staff, and Administrators -

If you work in a public or private university, research, Liberal Arts, minority, or community college, by participating in this institute you will:
  • Learn how to internationalize your curriculum and campus
  • Understand comprehensive internationalization and the importance of collaboration and dialogue
  • Identify innovative pedagogies, technologies, and best practices
  • Explore the teaching and assessment of global learning objectives
  • Examine strategic planning and measurements of institutional success
  • Become a member of a network of international educators and administrators and much more ...

WHY ATTEND ICCI?  This unique institute facilitates the internationalization of your campus or unit, curriculum, and/or individual course, to better prepare students, faculty, and staff to be effective scholars, practitioners, and citizens of the 21st century.

WHAT WILL YOU DO?  ICCI includes two distinctive tracks (Course Focus and Campus Focus), each with workshops. Whole group highlights include key presentations by national leaders, sessions to identify common ground among disparate campus audiences, an Innovative Internationalization Best Practices panel, a poster session,  a multi-regional cultural evening for networking, and a summative taking action session.

PRE-INSTITUTE WORKSHOP:  If you are new to internationalization, consider joining the optional pre-institute workshop The Increasingly Comprehensive World of Academic Internationalization: The Essential Context.  

ICCI Alumni come from 60 different higher education institutions from around the world!

Individuals and teams are welcome.     Registration now open.     Space is limited.

Deadline:  April 15, 2015 

Costs: Institute- $450 (includes all events, materials, all meals except 1 dinner); Pre-institute- $75 (includes materials & meals).

Dates (Location): May 17-20, 2015 (in Bloomington, Indiana)

Details/contact information:

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