Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Question about Advanced Degrees for International Educators

Back in 2003 I began researching advanced degree options to advance my career in the field of international education.  After much research I narrowed my choices down to an MBA program and a Ph.D. program and in the end I chose to pursue a Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education at Loyola University of Chicago.

Did you complete or are you pursuing an advanced degree (beyond a Master of Arts or Master of Sciences degree)?  What did you choose and why?  Did it (or do you think it will) make you a better International Educator?

Photo credit:  psyberartist


  1. This is a topic that I don't feel I have much to contribute to yet, but I would like to hear from people who have taken the plunge or definitively decided not to!

  2. I am currently in the process of obtaining my Ed.D in Higher Education and Adult Learning. I believe it will make me a better educator, however it is not specific to interantional education. I do however teach international students on occassion and have done a small amount of research in that realm.

  3. I completed a doctorate in educational foundations and strongly feel this has helped me become a "better international educator". Education theory seems mundane but it has helped tremendously; namely understanding the many ways of knowing and knowledge transfer in a increasingly interconnected world.

  4. I'm still in college working on my bachelor's. I'm hesitant on going farther, however, simply because of the costs. I ignored the pleas of my peers, teachers, and guidance counselors who urged me to pick an Ivy league school given my SAT score. I looked at the costs of favored colleges and choose one close to home that's, so far, costing me a little under $6k a year after work/study, scholarships, and grants. I have a friend who opted for a "bigger named" school who in their first year alone ended up taking out student loans for $24k.

    Given that, I fear going farther degree-wise would lead me to take on too much debt. But on the other hand, my uncle did well in college and was offered a teaching assistant position to return and get his Master's for free. If I run into an offer that good, I'll certainly go on.

  5. Hello:

    I obtained a Ph.D. from Walden University in Adult Education Leadership. The degree has openned numerous doors for me! I have found that in international education especially, the doctorate is very marketable. I personally would shy away from the Ed.D. and go for the Ph.D. The Ed.D. is not generally known outside of the U.S. If you have questions about Walden U., just ask. I will be honest. Thanks.


  6. Hello,

    I am presently working on my Ed.D. from Walden University in Adult Education and Higher Learning. I am in the process of finishing my prospectus to finish up my project to receive my Ed.D. Walden University has been great experience of course there have been some classes that have been a complete joke in regards to instructors but that would be any University. I think this degree will open doors for me and help me prepare for the international part of education when I want to teach online courses because I know my students well be from many parts of the world when coming into my classes. Have you felt that finishing your doctorate degree how has this part helped you advanced with technology and helped with your teaching abilities?

    Thanks Dayna Urquhart

  7. Hello,

    I am currently working on my Ed.D. from Walden University in Higher Education and Adult Learning. I am presently finishing up my last class and then I am going to work on my prospectus to finish up my dissertation part to get my doctorate degree. I probably have about two to three years left with my degree. I feel once I finish up my doctorate degree from Walden University. Many doors will open for me such as having more opportunities to teach online courses etc.

    Do you feel by getting your PHD in international education has technology helped you any way shape for form? If so how has the technology provided you with more insight to your degree?

    Thanks Dayna Urquhart
