I wanted to prepare this post some time ago but life did not permit. I typed most of this post on my iPhone on the shuttle down from Milwaukee to Chicago and then my father called and the blogging application I was using lost my post so now I sit here at O’Hare watching and listening to the storm blowing through. We’ll see if I am delayed in my departure!
During the NAFSA conference I hope to post to IHEC Blog frequently but internet connectivity is an issue as I’m only going for free internet. I will be taking videos with the flipcam I won from ExchangesConnect and uploading them to IHEC Blog’s Facebook page. Specifically, I’m thinking of a “three questions with IHEC Blog” type of flipcam interview. We’ll see how that goes! For the most part I’ll be micro-blogging on IHEC Blog’s Facebook page (http://tinyurl.com/IHECBlogFacebook) and via Twitter (http://twitter.com/DavidComp)
I wasn’t sure I would be attending this NAFSA conference due to cost as my attendance at NAFSA and related conferences are predominately/totally on my own dime. As a result I did not join any panels or submit any proposals. However, since I determined I would be attending the conference I have been invited to serve on four panels (at a general session, at a roundtable, at a meeting, and at a seminar). Only one of my sessions/meetings is listed in the conference program as I was a late addition. Here is a list of the scheduled sessions I have committed to (please note that I may not have the full or exact title of the session as I’m typing this from my notes):
Tuesday, June 1st
The U.S. Army Approach to Exchanges: Sharing Best Practices with Colonel Steven Boylan at 2:30pm.
Wednesday, June 2nd
Technology Forum at 1:15pm
Grad Student Roundtable at 3:$5pm
Friday, June 4th
TLS Research Seminar at 8:00pm
I wasn’t sure I would be attending this NAFSA conference due to cost as my attendance at NAFSA and related conferences are predominately/totally on my own dime. As a result I did not join any panels or submit any proposals. However, since I determined I would be attending the conference I have been invited to serve on four panels and/or lead discussions (at a general session, at a roundtable, at a meeting, and at a seminar). Only one of my sessions/meetings is listed in the conference program as I was a late addition. Here is a list of the scheduled sessions I have committed to (please note that I may not have the full or exact title of the session as I’m typing this from my notes):
Tuesday, June 1st
The U.S. Army Approach to Exchanges: Sharing Best Practices with Colonel Steven Boylan at 2:30pm.
Wednesday, June 2nd
Technology Forum at 1:15pm
Grad Student Roundtable at 3:$5pm
Friday, June 4th
TLS Research Seminar at 8:00pm
I wasn’t sure I would be attending this NAFSA conference due to cost as my attendance at NAFSA and related conferences are predominately/totally on my own dime. As a result I did not join any panels or submit any proposals. However, since I determined I would be attending the conference I have been invited to serve on four panels and/or lead discussions (at a general session, at a roundtable, at a meeting, and at a seminar). Only one of my sessions/meetings is listed in the conference program as I was a late addition. Here is a list of the scheduled sessions I have committed to (please note that I may not have the full or exact title of the session as I’m typing this from my notes):
Tuesday, June 1st
The U.S. Army Approach to Exchanges: Sharing Best Practices with Colonel Steven Boylan at 2:30pm.
Wednesday, June 2nd
Technology Forum at 1:15pm
Grad Student Roundtable at 3:$5pm
Friday, June 4th
TLS Research Seminar at 8:00pm
Assuming my flight makes in on time tonight I’ll find myself at both the TLS and Education Abroad networking receptions. Additionally, I’ll be at the opening reception and a few of the receptions (seems I received a few more invites this year ~ perhaps I’ll post to Facebook and Twitter about these receiptions!). I want to attend the GOSAT meeting on Wednesday, June 2nd from 5:00pm-6:00pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel City Bar (main lobby) but I have the Research & Scholarship subcommittee meeting at the exact same time so I hope there are some stragglers at the GOSAT meeting. Finally, I plan to attend te 2nd Tweet-Up on Thursday, June 3rd from 5:00pm-6:00pm in the Education Abroad network center! In addition to all of my scheduled activities I do plan to attend many sessions and open meetings…I hope our paths cross and I wish everyone a safe and productive #nafsa10.